
Bugs Bunny
Sylvester and Tweety
Daffy Duck
Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner
Lucille Ball
James Cagney
Alfred Hitchcock
Edward G. Robinson
Leonard Bernstein
Hollywood Composers
American Illustrators
Distinguished Soldiers
Legends of Baseball
Baseball's Legendary Playing Fields
Sonoran Desert
Pacific Coast Rain Forest
Great Plains Prarie
Edwin Powell Hubble
Space Achievement and Exploration
Stampin' the Future
The Stars and Stripes
Honoring Veterans
Breast Cancer Semi-Postal
Nobel Prize
Library of Congress
All Aboard!
U.S. Navy Submarines
Year of the Snake
Deep Sea Creatures
Insects and Spiders
Pan-American Inverts
Deanna's Stamp Album
Distinguished Soldiers


WASHINGTON The nation's military veterans, police officers, and firefighters will be honored August 16 in Kansas City, Mo., when a new commemorative postage stamp is issued by the U.S. Postal Service.
The 33-cent Honoring Those Who Served stamp will be available nationwide starting that day.

"The Honoring Those Who Served stamp pays tribute to the patriotism and valor of the thousands of dedicated U.S. military veterans who have served their country both here and abroad," said Einar V. Dyhrkopp, Chairman, U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors, who will dedicate the stamp at a conference celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

"The stamp also serves as a lasting tribute to those policemen, firefighters, and other law enforcement officers who have given their lives to protect the welfare of all Americans," Dyhrkopp added. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are more than 2.3 million U.S. workers employed in protective services occupations.

The Honoring Those Who Served stamp salutes those public servants and all veterans who have served in the U.S. armed forces, whether in wartime or peacetime, in active units, the reserves, or the National Guard. The stamp recognizes the vital and varied roles veterans have played to ensure peace, to stop aggression, and to provide logistical support during crises. Veterans account for more than 25 million Americans, or almost one in every 10 adults.

Distinguished Soldiers

Issued August 16, 1999,
Kansas City, MO 64108

Designers Richard Sheaff of Scottsdale, Ariz., and Uldis Purins of Newton, Mass., developed the stamp's symbolic representation of the U.S. flag. For more information on stamps, or to see an image of the Honoring Those Who Served stamp, visit the Postal Service Website at www.shop.usps.com.