
Bugs Bunny
Sylvester and Tweety
Daffy Duck
Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner
Lucille Ball
James Cagney
Alfred Hitchcock
Edward G. Robinson
Leonard Bernstein
Hollywood Composers
American Illustrators
Distinguished Soldiers
Legends of Baseball
Baseball's Legendary Playing Fields
Sonoran Desert
Pacific Coast Rain Forest
Great Plains Prarie
Edwin Powell Hubble
Space Achievement and Exploration
Stampin' the Future
The Stars and Stripes
Honoring Veterans
Breast Cancer Semi-Postal
Nobel Prize
Library of Congress
All Aboard!
U.S. Navy Submarines
Year of the Snake
Deep Sea Creatures
Insects and Spiders
Pan-American Inverts
Deanna's Stamp Album


WASHINGTON - The U.S. Postal Service today announced the designs and formats for three non-denominated First-Class U.S. postage stamps to be used on mail posted soon after the expected postage rate increase in early 2001.

Denominated versions of the stamps (bearing the actual First-Class rate) will be produced and distributed after the new rates are approved.

Available in large quantities and in several convenient formats, the Farm Flag, Flowers and Statue of Liberty stamps will be considered among the work horse stamps for 2001. These stamps will be issued Dec. 15 in Washington, D.C.

The Farm Flag stamp depicts an agricultural motif. The painting, by Hiro Kimura of Brooklyn, N.Y., portrays the U.S. flag flying over a farm. Kimura also illustrated the City Flag and Classroom Flag stamps, which were issued in 1999. Richard Sheaff, of Scottsdale, Ariz., was the art director for the Farm Flag stamp.

The Flowers stamps feature photographs of pastel-colored flowers (Fressia, Symbidium Orchid, Longiflorum Lily and Asian Hybrid Lily) by Robert Peak, of Winter Park, Fla. The art director was Derry Noyes, of Washington, D.C.

The Statue of Liberty stamp features a photograph by Paul Hardy, of New York, N.Y. Noyes was also the art director for this stamp. The colossal statue - dedicated on Oct. 28, 1886 - stands on Bedloe's Island in New York Harbor.


Issued December 15, 2000,
Washington, D.C. 20066-9991

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